Rite Aid Bargaining Update 10.14.24 

We met with Rite Aid for another bargaining session today, and once again, they continue to insist on significant rollbacks of benefits that we won over many years of fighting for what we deserve.

Check out where negotiations currently stand HERE.

We are tired of the company continuing to complain that they are on the brink of an existential crisis that they need us to bail them out of. We are not here to save them from their own mismanagement. We are here to do our jobs to the best of our ability, serve our communities, and support our families.

Unfair Labor Practice Strike Authorization Voting is starting tomorrow, and we are recommending a “YES” Vote to Authorize an Unfair Labor Practice Strike because Rite Aid has engaged in numerous UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES in an attempt to weaken our ability to achieve a fair contract at the bargaining table.

Should Rite Aid members join our union siblings at CVS in authorizing an Unfair Labor Practice Strike, 10,000 pharmacy workers in California would have the ability to go on strike just as flu season ramps up.

What’s next?

We have one more bargaining date set for October 21. We have agreed to a contract extension until October 21 at 5PM, but if the company continues to stonewall us and hide behind the excuse of their management-created bankruptcy as a reason for not giving us the contract we earned, we will continue to put pressure on the company and make our voices heard loud and clear. 

As always, if you have any questions about bargaining or if there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Union Rep.

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