Dear Food4Less Members,
Our company has failed to make us a fair contract offer.
For months, we have been telling Food 4 Less / Foods Co. we want a fair deal by 5pm Saturday. We gave them a proposal that would give every one of us an immediate raise and substantial wage increases each year of a three-year contract. The company decided that rather than negotiate a fair offer that would give us the hours and wages we need, they want to bring in non-union workers to do jobs that should be ours!
We have earned and deserve higher wages, faster raises, and more guaranteed hours. But none of that is possible if we allow our company to replace our work with outside vendors.
Our contract expired without a tentative agreement because Food 4 Less / Foods Co. refused to make us a fair offer. And while we’ve been at the table trying to reach a deal, they’ve been breaking the law by committing numerous unfair labor practices, like discrimination and unlawful surveillance of workers, prohibiting us from participating in union activity, unilaterally changing our contract, and blocking us from talking to our Union Representatives.
By violating our rights, Food 4 Less / Foods Co. is making it harder for us to stand together to fight for the contract we deserve.
That’s why we’re holding strike authorization votes next week.
It is time to stand up and make our voices heard by casting our votes and telling the company to stop breaking the law. Please keep an eye out for voting dates and times from your Local.
We’ll update you on next steps on June 14th once members from all seven Locals have had a chance to cast their votes. In the meantime, please continue to report to work as usual. Remember, your wages, benefits and contract protections remain intact even though our contract is expired.
We are more united than we’ve ever been, and Food 4 Less / Foods Co. is scared of our power. Now is the time to show our company that we deserve to be taken seriously by participating in this vote.
If you have ANY questions about what’s happening at the table, how you can stand up against our company’s actions, or anything else, reach out to your Bargaining Committee Member, Steward, or Union Rep.
In Solidarity,
Your Food4Less Bargaining Committee