Dear Food4Less member,
Starting today, June 6th, through Saturday, June 8th, we are meeting with Food 4 Less / Foods Co. for the last bargaining session before our contract expires on June 8th.
We have told the company over and over again – we’re not here to waste time, we want to reach a deal on the contract we deserve by June 8th. We’re ready to negotiate, and we will continue to push Food 4 Less / Foods Co. to come to the table with a three-year wage proposal that includes the substantial wage increases we need.
The company sees how powerful and united we really are – that’s why they’ve resorted to unlawfully surveilling members and prohibiting them from participating in union activity and it’s why they’ve been posting notices trying to hire temporary workers. They’re afraid of us standing together to demand an equitable contract and they’re doing everything in their power to try and silence our voices and intimidate us. But we know we deserve better. And so does the public, whose support for us has been overwhelming.
If the company does not offer us the contract we deserve by June 8th, we will hold member votes next week, where you will have a chance to make your voice heard directly. Stay tuned for information from your Local on voting dates and time, as well as an update about where we stand in negotiations when the contract expires.
Remember, when a contract expires, our current wages, benefits, and protections don’t change. We should report to work as usual while we continue to fight for the new contract we deserve.
As always, do not hesitate to reach out to your Steward, Union Rep, or Bargaining Committee Member with any questions you might have.
In Solidarity,
Your UFCW Food 4 Less/Foods Co. Bargaining Committee