CVS Wasting Our Time, Does Not Want to Talk About Providing Adequate and Affordable Healthcare or Fair Wage Increases
Today, our Bargaining Committee met again with CVS where once again they wasted our time, refusing to talk about what’s important to us and our families: adequate and affordable healthcare and wages that reflect our vital healthcare role.
CVS is one of the most profitable healthcare companies in the country, yet they won’t negotiate a low-cost healthcare proposal for their employees or pay fair wages. Many of us struggle with the high cost and crappy coverage they offer. It’s so inadequate that many of us rely on family members or Medi-Cal to support our basic healthcare needs – or go without. It’s completely unacceptable for this healthcare company to shift their obligations onto taxpayers.
What’s Next?
We have more bargaining dates scheduled for August 27 and 28, but we’re not going to make progress in bargaining until we show the company how serious we are about our bargaining proposals.
We are planning more actions across the state – stay tuned for details on how you can get involved and ensure we get the contract we deserve – one that provides us fair wages and health care we can afford. As always, if you have any questions about bargaining or if there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Steward, Union Rep, or Bargaining Committee Member.
In Solidarity,
Your UFCW CVS Bargaining Committee