CVS Bargaining Update 5/6/24

Dear CVS Member,

Over three sessions this last week, we met with CVS for our second round of bargaining. At our previous bargaining session on May 23, we asked the company to show up with serious answers to our proposals that would move bargaining forward and allow us to reach an agreement on the fair contract that we deserve. 

While we have reached a few agreements on minor issues, the company continues to shoot down our reasonable offers regarding our most important issues like safety and staffing. They refuse to discuss wages and continue to defend their staffing levels and safety training rather than listening to the people who are in the stores every day.

We’ve been clear with CVS: we want to reach a fair agreement by the time our contract expires on June 30. That’s why we gave them all of our proposals on the very first day of bargaining and why we expected them to come prepared to negotiate on the issues that affect our lives.

What’s Next?

We don’t meet with the company until June 20, so right now, it’s critical we send CVS a message loud and clear: We deserve a fair contract that delivers us safe staffing levels and the wages and health benefits needed to raise healthy families by the time our contract expires, and we’re ready to do what it takes to reach a Tentative Agreement by June 30. 

That’s why we are rallying on Saturday, June 22, at 11 am in Whittier, Ca, and San Jose, Ca, to show a united force of solidarity and strength so they know we are not going to accept anything less than what we deserve. Make a plan to attend and RSVP here:


San Jose: 

Your Stewards, Union Reps, and Bargaining Committee members have also been circulating a petition in every one of our stores. Thousands of us have already signed, but if you haven’t had the chance, now is the time to make sure your voice is heard.

When the company sees us showing up to rallies, signing petitions, and engaging in bargaining, they’ll know that we are standing strong for a fair contract.

We will continue to push for productive bargaining sessions that will allow us to negotiate for the contract we deserve. As always, if you have any questions about bargaining or if there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Steward, Union Rep, or Bargaining Committee Member.

In Solidarity,

Your UFCW CVS Bargaining Committee

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