CVS Bargaining Update 6.28.24

Our Contract Expires Sunday and We Won’t Stop Fighting For What We Deserve

Update on your contract expiration, new bargaining dates, and upcoming member actions

We’ve just concluded another four days of bargaining with CVS. While we have reached agreement on some issues, the company continues to shoot down our reasonable offers for fair wages and affordable health care. 

It is unacceptable that one of the most profitable healthcare companies in the industry, who compensated their CEO over $21 million in 2023, cannot offer decent wages and affordable health care to their employees. THEY ARE A HEALTHCARE COMPANY! We need a fair contract that honors the essential services we supply to our communities. We helped the company earn over $11 billion in profit last year. They can afford to do better!!

And we’ve been taking that message to the stores and to the streets.

Hundreds of CVS workers, supporters, and community leaders from across California participated in simultaneous rallies outside CVS pharmacies in Whittier and San Jose last Saturday. We also rallied and got loud at a CVS in Anaheim on Thursday.

Get ready for an announcement soon regarding a rally in San Diego then join us if you can!

Today at bargaining we delivered thousands of workers’ signatures to the company demanding a contract that provides us a fair wage, safe staffing levels and affordable health care.

We are united and we will not back down. 

What’s Next?

Our contract expires on Sunday, June 30, and the bargaining team has made the strategic decision not to agree to a contract extension because a contract extension would limit our ability to fight for the fair contract we deserve. We are NOT going to stop fighting for the wages and benefits that reflect our vital healthcare role and the staffing and store safety required to improve customers’ shopping experience.

Remember, when a contract expires, it doesn’t mean that our wages, benefits, or protections will end. 

More bargaining dates have been added on July 11 and 12 where we will also be joined by a Federal Mediator, who will serve as a neutral party who can help us ensure that bargaining is productive and fair.

When the company sees us signing petitions, showing up to rallies, and engaging in bargaining, they know that we are determined to stand strong for a fair contract.

As always, if you have any questions about bargaining or if there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Steward, Union Rep, or Bargaining Committee Member.

In Solidarity,

Your UFCW CVS Bargaining Committee

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