Workers at Better Buzz Hillcrest Win Union Election!

Workers at Better Buzz Coffee’s Hillcrest location have achieved an important victory in their pursuit of better wages, fair treatment and improved working conditions. In a decisive election held by the National Labor Relations Board on Friday, May 17, the baristas, trainers, and shift supervisors voted overwhelmingly to join the United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 135.

This worker victory marks the culmination of a determined effort by the employees, who organized under the name Better Buzz United. The workers cited concerns about wages, benefits, scheduling, and overall workplace safety as primary reasons for seeking union representation.

“I’m extremely grateful to all of my coworkers for showing up and showing out in support of granting workers a voice. This is another step towards a bright future of worker empowerment!” – barista Jackson Ducksworth

“This has been a hard fight but I’m so proud of our coworkers for showing up for what they believe in. Life’s better unionized!” – barista Katy Waldman

“I’m very excited for this new era of cooperation between management and employees at Better Buzz. This is going to be a win-win for both groups.” – barista Ben Leighton 

The election win comes as Better Buzz Coffee continues to expand rapidly across southern California, Arizona, and soon Nevada. Despite this growth, workers have voiced concerns that the benefits of expansion have not been equitably shared.

UFCW Local 135 is dedicated to supporting the workers of Better Buzz Hillcrest and is actively organizing other Better Buzz locations across San Diego County. This victory at the Hillcrest location is only the beginning of a broader movement to improve conditions for all employees within the company.

“Never underestimate the power a group of workers wield when they fight for what they deserve,” said UFCW Local 135 Lead Organizer Andres Pinzon. “This is a win not only for them but for baristas and workers everywhere. I’m proud of the Hillcrest team for leading the way!”

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