F4L Bargaining Update #4

On May 22nd, we met with Food 4 Less / Foods Co. for another day of bargaining. We made incremental progress with the company on issues important to us, but we are still waiting for the company to send a comprehensive wage proposal that covers the entirety of a three-year contract. 

We also filed Unfair Labor Practice charges against Food 4 Less/Foods Co. for allegedly discriminating against employees based on union activity, prohibiting employees from participating in union activity, monitoring employees engaging in union activity, and unilaterally changing our contract without bargaining. We contend that these actions by the company are unlawful and we will not be intimidated by their threats.

We are not alone in our fight– our union family across the U.S. and Canada has our backs 

On May 16th, hundreds of members from UFCW Locals across the U.S. and Canada attended the UFCW Women’s Network Convention in Costa Mesa and held a massive rally outside our Santa Ana store in support of our fight for a fair and equitable contract. 

They also sent a letter to our parent company, Kroger, demanding that the company recognize our hard work and negotiate a fair contract for Food 4 Less / Foods Co. workers. 

This is what unions and the UFCW does best – mobilize to support and fight for each other. From coast to coast, across countries, when we stand together and show the strength and power we have as a union, we win. 

What’s Next? 

We have earned and deserve a contract that not only reflects our hard work, but is equitable in light of what other union grocery workers in the area earn, especially when those other union grocery stores are owned by the same parent company as us – Kroger. 

On day one of bargaining, we gave Food 4 Less / Foods Co. a comprehensive contract proposal that covered everything – wages, benefits, and all language items. The company then waited a month before giving us an inadequate wage proposal that only covers two years and provides a wage increase for only half of Food 4 Less / Foods Co. workers.

We made it clear to the company on May 8, 2024, that we expect a three-year wage proposal the next time we meet and unfortunately, they have failed to deliver. We have also made i t clear, since day one, that we expect to reach a deal by contract expiration – June 8th.

If the company fails to negotiate a fair and equitable tentative agreement by June 8th, we will have to do what it takes to get the contract we deserve. 

We need to continue to raise our voices, talk to our co-workers, share our social media posts, and tell the company that we are united and we won’t back down until we get a contract that reflects how essential we are.

Our next round of bargaining is June 6th – 8th and the clock is ticking for Food 4 Less / Foods Co. 

We expect the company to come to the next bargaining session with a proposal that meets our needs. If we do not see meaningful progress by contract expiration we will be forced to take action, including a member vote the week of June 10th.

As always, do not hesitate to reach out to your Steward, Union Rep, or Bargaining Committee Member with any questions you might have. 

In Solidarity, 

Your UFCW Food 4 Less/Foods Co. Bargaining Committee

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