UFCW Local 135 would like to thank all of our Stewards that attended the Steward Symposium on Friday, September 30, 2022.
We hope we were able to provide you with some useful knowledge on your contractual rights, your duties and responsibilities as a UFCW Local 135 Steward, and the history of the labor movement, to take back with you to your worksites to share with your co-workers.
Please utilize your new Steward Handbook, communicate regularly with your Union Rep, stay active, and help us continue to build a united and engaged union membership.

UFCW Local 135 would also like to extend our deepest appreciation to all of the speakers and presenters at our Steward Symposium.
Many thanks to the speakers, including:
MARC PERRONE, United Food and Commercial Workers International Union President
TODD GLORIA, San Diego Mayor
LORENA GONZALEZ FLETCHER, California Labor Federation California Labor Federation Executive Secretary-Treasurer
BRYAN WYNN, UFCW Region 8 Director
BRIGETTE BROWNING, San Diego & Imperial Counties Labor Council Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Reverend CHERI METIER, Interfaith Worker Justice of San Diego County
Thanks also to the breakout session presenters:
JIM MILLER, AFT Guild 1931 Political Action Vice President
HANNAH WEINSTEIN, UFCW Local 135 Labor Attorney
Special thanks also go out to the UFCW Local 135 Retirees Club for leading the recitation of The Pledge of Allegiance.
Our Steward Symposium would not have been a success without the participation of these speakers and presenters. We appreciate them all for their contributions and solidarity.

At the Steward Symposium held on September 30, four Steward Recognition awards were given out to UFCW Local 135 Stewards by Secretary-Treasurer Grant Tom.
The following Stewards were recognized at the event for their hard work and the efforts they have made over the past few years to help their co-workers and union. We are honored to recognize the value they bring to UFCW Local 135.
WESLEY FRANI – Kaiser Permanente Zion
ROB LAUNIUS – Gelson’s Markets 27
MARY SEATON – CVS Pharmacy 9528
NICK ZIGICH – Vons 2119
We thank Wesley, Rob, Mary, and Nick for their dedication, commitment, and contributions as Stewards. They are a shining example for all Stewards and union members to emulate.