Union Response to Shooting Outside Ralphs 105

Our hearts go out to our members affected by last night’s violent scene outside Ralphs 105 in 4S Ranch. In scary times like these, UFCW Local 135 stands firmly with our members, emphasizing the importance of your safety and well-being.

This incident of violence highlights the urgency of being vigilant at your worksites. We care deeply about each member, and in the face of increasing gun violence nationwide, we encourage you to stay aware, stay alert, and above all, stay safe.

Is there a Workplace Violence Safety Plan in place at your company in case of violent actions like this? If unsure, ask your management. It’s crucial that you are informed of any safety plans at your location and are prepared to follow them if the need arises.

Your safety is our priority. If you have any concerns or questions regarding safety protocols at your job site, don’t hesitate to reach out to your Union Representative. Together, we’ll help ensure that your workplace remains a secure and supportive environment for members of this union.

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