Need help regarding Open Enrollment?
Do you have questions about how to sign up for your medical plan?
Does your current plan fulfill your health care needs?
Our Food and Drug Trust Funds are hosting informational Zoom meetings online.
The Food Trust Fund Informational Meeting is on Tuesday, December 7 at 6 pm.
The Drug Trust Fund Informational Meeting is on Wednesday, December 8 at 6 pm
Participants must register in advance. To register, click either link below:
Food: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpdeyorzMuHtCfPtgituOzqYtmoJ94uhB1
Drug: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAsduigrDIuGdVvkn5py2hUfzCuM5QrHDqK