New Year’s Day

UFCW Local 135 offices are closed to observe the New Year's holiday.


UFCW Local 135 offices are closed to observe Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Labor Council Delegates Meeting

The monthly delegates meeting of the San Diego & Imperial Counties Labor Council takes place every 4th Wednesday.

Bonita Dental Election Vote Count

UFCW Local 135 will be counting ballots on Zoom so members at Bonital Dental can watch and see the results of their election live. If you work at Bonita Dental, contact your Union Rep Jon for the registration link.

New Member Meeting

UFCW Local 135’s first quarterly New Member Meetings of 2021 takes place February 3 via videoconference on Zoom. There are two meetings, one at 9am and the other at 6pm. These meetings are for new members only. First time attendees will receive a $50 rebate off their fully paid initiation fee. Contact your union rep […]

Retirees Club Meeting

UFCW Local 135's Retirees Club meets every first Wednesday of the month on Zoom. Email club president Jack Miller at for a registration link.